Saturday, March 6, 2010

What's the time? I don't know, it's a button!

Milo had a strip on fabric from his plaid shirt that he cut off and i snatched up because it was a perfect size and shape for a wrist cuff. With a thread and needle and an extra button, I turned this cute bit of fabric into a fake wrist watch.

Now I'm just daydreaming about someone stopping me on the street asking the time and me shouting "I don't know! It's just a BUTTON!"


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Images from the collage

I thought I'd post some of the images from my collage because my printer is running out of ink and it's not always clear what the photo is of. Scroll down below to see the finished collages. xo

Inspiration/Goals Collage

I've been feeling the need to give myself a visual of my goals for the next few years.... of where I see myself and where I want to be going.... what I feel like I need more of in my life... and what is important to me. I've made a series of collages each sheet representing something like professional dreams, travel, love, spirituality, fun and home. I've been thinking a lot about creating a home recently, wanting to be in a place that feels 'right' and is a source of inspiration. Where Milo and I can let ourselves be free... and something that we can build from hand. Eco-conscious and out in the wilderness.

I need to be free.